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Massive amount of information surfaces the internet regarding the right and wrong of butter vs margarine. There’s no denying that you and your little ones need a nutritious staple for daily dietary requirements to stay active and healthy and both butter and margarine have their fair-share of benefits.

Butter vs Margarine

Massive amount of information surfaces the internet regarding the right and wrong of butter vs margarine. There’s no denying that you and your little ones need a nutritious staple for daily dietary requirements to stay active and healthy and both butter and margarine have their fair-share of benefits.

What is Margarine?

Margarine is a blend of high-quality vegetable oils predominantly
Sunflower, Canola, Soybean & Palm/Coconut Oils with the best nutrients for your child and family.

Difference between Margarine and Butter

The most important difference between the two is that butter is derived from dairy and is rich in saturated fats, whereas margarine is made from plant oils with no trans-fat content.
Do you know that up to 30% of our daily energy needs are provided by fats? However, the studies have shown that we take high amounts of saturated fats to cover this need thus, resulting in high level of bad cholesterol. World Health Organization (WHO) recommends incorporating less saturated & trans-fat and more unsaturated fats to fulfil our energy need. Margarine is rich in unsaturated fats i.e., polyunsaturated Omega 3 (alpha- linolenic acids) and Omega 6 (linoleic acids) fatty acids, which our body requires but cannot produce. These fatty acids are required for cell growth and renewal, and maintenance of healthy good cholesterol level. The scientific evidence supports the use of margarine for improves good cholesterol in blood and reduction of cardiovascular diseases.

Why should you prefer Margarine?

Blue band margarine spread is soft margarine made with a blend of high-quality vegetable oils (Sunflower, Canola, Soybean & Palm/Coconut Oils) containing less calories and healthy fats. Its nutritional value is increased by the addition of fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin A and D that makes it better for you, your young ones and, the planet without compromising on the deliciousness of the spread.
The soft margarine consists of vegetable oils and water; and often considered wholesome and healthier substitute of butter.

Why Margarine is a healthy choice for daily use?

All dietary associations and nutritionists agree that trans-fatty acids and saturated fatty acids are un-healthy if consumed in higher amount as specified by WHO.
Blue band margarine spread is rich in good fats (omega 3 & 6) and contains 50% less saturated fats (Bad fat) as compared to butter and Your body requires Essential fatty acids (Omega 3 & 6 to function properly. It also boosts your energy and helps you stay physically and mentally active throughout the day.

Does your child need Margarine when organic butter is available?

Margarine has nutrients like vitamin A and D, which is essential for adolescents. More than 40% of children in Pakistan are Vitamin A deficient, while over 60% have Vitamin D deficiency. These deficiencies can cause serious issues later in adulthood or can become lethal in some cases. Thus, margarine is a good source to provide these nutrients to your kid at an early age.
One serving of Blue Band (20g) gives 24% Vitamin A and 30% Vitamin D of your child’s daily requirement, ensuring proper growth and development.

Make an informed choice for yourself and your children!!