The first thing you need to know about iodine deficiency is where it comes from. It is a disorder that comes from not eating enough iodine – an important mineral your body depends on – in your daily diet. In fact, iodine is instrumental in brain development and maintaining normal bodily functions. To find out more about I.D. (Iodine Deficiency), read our 4 points below.
The Simple Truth
When it comes to iodine deficiency, the truth is simple: it’s caused by a diet that doesn’t have enough iodine in it. So, the best way to avoid iodine deficiency is with a healthy, well-rounded diet that does include sources iodine. To help your family stay free of iodine deficiency, make it important to include iodine rich foods in at least one home cooked meal a week.Symptoms of I.D.
Iodine deficiency is easy to identify by many different symptoms. Fatigue, depression, anxiety, weight gain and high cholesterol are only a few. Keep an eye out for any of those symptoms and see a doctor if you’re worried about your family. But remember, the best way to defend against any iodine problems is with iodine-rich foods.Iodine and Pregnancy
Possibly the scariest and most important point about I.D. is how it can affect a growing baby. When mothers are pregnant, it is very important they increase their iodine intake (along with calcium, folic acid and iron). By doing so they protect their unborn children from brain problems. However, it is important to remember that such severe problems are quite rare.How to Eat it
Iodine is actually a very available mineral, especially in food. Eggs and dairy products are almost famous for being great sources of iodine, as well as milk, baked potatoes, iodized salt, prunes, canned tuna, bananas and green beans. Ensure that your kids are eating these foods; some of these are a wonderful lunch, midday snack or can be an addition to dinner.References:
Iodine Deficiency During Pregnancy Impacts Children’s Brain Development, Jun 20, 2014, Global Healing Center (online): www.globalhealingcenter.com/natural-health/iodine-deficiency-during-pregnancy-impacts-brain-development/Iodine Deficiency, [4, 26, 2016], American Thyroid Association (online): www.thyroid.org/iodine-deficiency/
22 Foods Highest in Iodine, 6/17/2016, Bembu.com (online): www.bembu.com/iodine-rich-foods