The Blue Band social program aims to improve the health and well-being and education of children in Kenya by promoting a nutritious breakfast every day.
Starting the day with a nutritious breakfast will help children to get the nutrients they need, and therefore we need to make breakfast a habit for all.
The role of advocacy, social mobilisation and communication cannot be underestimated. Evidence has shown clearly that advocacy and empowerment of individuals, communities and all other relevant stakeholders can bring tangible and sustainable changes in the improvement of the country nutrition profile. Mass media campaigns through television, radio and print media have stepped up efforts to bring positive behaviour change in the society. Moreover, appropriate communications through health c facilities and community outreach services have also been used to foster better community nutrition outcomes. The food industry can contribute b developing affordable and accessible nutrient dense products. Blue Ban margarine, for example is a product which provides the essential Omega 6 fats, and a variety of water- and fat-soluble vitamins. These products can make a nutritious breakfast available and attractive for every child.